#Mac os 9 emulator genesis code#
The main goal of Gens/GS is to clean up the source code and combine features from various forks of Gens. Sega Genesis/MegaDrive/CD/32X emulator based on Gens source code.

Among them are subtitles support and the ability to use your own. It has several distinctive features not found in it's parent.

Very good Sega Genesis/MegaDrive/CD/32X emulator based on Gens source code. Sega Genesis/MegaDrive/Master System/Game Gear/Sega CD emulator with rewind feature. It has good compatibility with games, all standart features (sound, joysticks, savestates etc.) and a lot of advanced ones (graphics filters, sound logging, Game Genie codes etc.). This is a Sega Genesis/MegaDrive/Sega 32X/Sega CD/Mega CD emulator.
#Mac os 9 emulator genesis movie#
Genecyst is the fastest MegaDrive emu - it runs perfectly on 486DX4-100! It has good compability, sound support, savestates, sound and movie capture and many other cool features. Most of it's code is written in assembly with a little bit of C by the legendary author of Nesticle - Sardu. Genecyst was the first really good emulator of Sega Genesis/MegaDrive. Final Burn Alpha has nice interface and great compatibility with games. Great multisystem emulator of arcade machines based on Cave/CPS1/CPS2/CPS-3/Kaneko 16/Konami/NeoGeo/Pacman/PGM/Psikyo/Sega/Taito/Toaplan/Megadrive hardware.